The LINE column is the terminal the user is connected on; the console is obviously the main keyboard and monitor of the machine. LINE列是用户所连接到的终端;控制台显然是该计算机的主键盘和监视器。
Although not applicable to the console or remote sessions, xev provides a robust and lightweight method for detecting keyboard events for any application running in X Window System. 虽然不适用于控制台或远程会话,但是xev为检测在XWindowSystem中运行的任意应用程序的键盘事件提供了一种健壮且轻量级的方法。
It gives you serial console access to a machine that thinks it has a VGA card and a keyboard, and it provides access to POST codes. 它为您提供了对机器的串口访问能力,它认为机器具有VGA卡和键盘;并提供了对POST代码的访问能力。
It is more appropriate for operation display console in C3I, because of both its functions of display and keyboard. 由于它兼具显示和按键两项功能,十分适合于在军事指挥控制系统的操作显控台上使用。